DRA Blog
The Best Available Science
Meet our team of scientists, with over 100 years of combined experience.
The Search for Truth
Almost every statement in PGE’s “Plain Facts” booklet about the Pelton Round Butte project is truth-challenged. In this post we address two of the most egregious claims.
Blues in the Genes
Though wild salmon genes are incredibly resilient, elastic, and adaptable, they are less so when crossed with salmon born and bred in hatcheries.
Macroinvertebrate Studies Update
Rick Hafele’s report on aquatic insect samples taken in two locations over the course of three years.
A Common Sense Solution
There’s a fix for the lower Deschutes River that can be implemented immediately. Find out why we advocate for a Night Blend.
Celebrating Our 2023 Wins
Review our 2023 accomplishments in advocacy, science, and community.
Subscribe to our Newsletter
The Deschutes River Alliance is your focused voice to protect the lower Deschutes River, its cold water flows and the fish and wildlife that are sustained by them. We send regular emails with important data and news about the lower Deschutes River. We will not sell or loan your contact information to others.
How to Support the DRA
Everyone wants clean, healthy water in the Deschutes River. Oregonians cherish our clean and healthy waterways to provide drinking water, wildlife habitat and recreational activities. The lower Deschutes River is a federally designated Wild & Scenic River, and a national treasure. It must be protected for the environmental and economic health of Central Oregon. We believe by working together we can return the lower Deschutes River to full health. The Deschutes River Alliance is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3).