2025 DRA Auction
Our Biggest Event of the Year!
The annual Deschutes River Alliance Auction and Gathering is the best event to meet-up with friends, share stories and plan new adventures while helping raise critical-needed funds to help DRA’s efforts to protect and improve the lower Deschutes River.
The DRA Auction live event is Saturday, February 22 (2-5:30pm), at The Redd on SE Salmon in Portland, Oregon.
Date & Location
Date: Saturday February 22nd
Time: 2:00 to 5:30 pm
Location: The Redd on Salmon Street
What To Expect
— A crowd passionate about protecting the lower Deschutes River
— Enticing live auction packages only available at the event
— Golden Ticket Raffle: $100 each, only 100 tickets sold
— Robust silent auction open online from February 16-25, 2025
— World-class wines from Lange Winery
— Refreshing beer from Freebridge Brewing & Steeplejack Brewery
All brought to you by our generous sponsors!
Live Event
Saturday February 22nd @ The Redd in SE Portland
— Fourteen valuable packages designed to get you outside and enjoying the best of the Pacific Northwest.
— You must be present to bid and win live auction items.
— Golden Ticket Raffle. Instantly win the live auction package of your choice. Twelve eligible packages; need not be present to win.
— Raffle - tickets are exclusively available for purchase at the live event.
Online Event
Silent Auction - online bidding open through 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 25th.
Have questions about the auction?
Reach out to our team by email or call 503-224-0657.