Happy Holidays From the Deschutes River Alliance!

Photo by Brian O'Keefe.We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a warm and happy holidays and a fantastic new year. We're especially thankful this holiday season for the continued support and engagement of all our donors and supporters. 2017 is shaping up to be an important and exciting year in our efforts to restore cooler, cleaner water to the Deschutes River, and we could not be successful without you. So here's to all of you and to another great year!

Auction Registration Reminder and Item Preview

As a reminder, the DRA's first-ever auction and social gathering will be taking place on Saturday afternoon, February 11, at the Ecotrust Building in Northwest Portland. Tickets are going VERY fast for this event, so be sure to register soon to reserve a seat for this great event with other DRA supporters.The event will feature a live auction of 15 unique items assembled just for this event, with auctioneering duties performed by the DRA's own flamboyant and entertaining John Hazel, co-owner of the Deschutes Angler Fly Shop.Here's an early snapshot of some of the auction items:

  • A day of insect identification and fly pattern selection with Rick Hafele and Mark Bachmann on the Salmon River near Welches. Rick literally wrote the book on western river insect identification, and Mark has been fishing the Salmon and matching the hatch for 50 years. The event will take place on river frontage at a private residence, and will include seining the river and a side channel, identifying the bugs and pattern matching, and a delicious barbecue lunch plus beer and wine. There are 12 available slots for the day, each of which will be auctioned off individually at $150 per spot.
  • Two guides and two boats for four anglers on various Oregon steelhead rivers. More details to come before the event.
  • Four anglers, two days on the Deschutes River during the stonefly hatch. Your fishing partners and "consultants" will be noted authors, speakers, and angling gurus Dave Hughes and Rick Hafele. Overnight stay in a prviate house at North Junction and a gourmet dinner. More details to come.
  • A small raffle of high quality fly fishing items will also be held.

This is just a small sample of the fantastic items that will be up for auction. Watch the DRA website and check your email for updates on other auction items!Remember, seating is limited to 150 and is going very fast.Can't attend but want to help? Click here to donate to support the DRA's ongoing efforts.deschutes-salmonfly-hatch-close-up-1a-okeefe-72-1200-copy

Deschutes River Alliance: Cooler, cleaner H2O for the lower Deschutes River. Click here to Donate.Click here to sign up for the Deschutes River Alliance email newsletter.---


Live Auction Items and Raffle Prizes for the DRA's February 11 Gathering


Announcing the DRA's First-Ever Gathering!