Support HB 4109 and Phase Out Chlorpyrifos

Last year, the pesticide chlorpyrifos was reported in the lower Deschutes River at levels that exceed the toxicity limits for fish, other aquatic lifeforms and humans set by the Environmental Protect Agency. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality reported the presence of chlorpyrifos in the lower river in its biannual Clean Water Act reporting requirements.In response to that reporting, the Deschutes River Alliance supports HB 4109 in its efforts to phase out chlorpyrifos in Oregon. HB 4109 is currently waiting for a vote in the Senate after passing in the House.Chlorpyrifos is a neurotoxic pesticide chemically related to the nerve gas sarin. It is extremely lethal at concentration to aquatic organisms and fish. Human exposure to chlorpyrifos is also dangerous. The presence of chlorpyrifos adds yet another pressure on the lower Deschutes and its resident, native, and migratory species. This pesticide is used primarily on alfalfa and Christmas trees in Oregon.HB 4109 will phase out the purchase, sale, and use of the chlorpyrifos pesticide statewide by January 1, 2022. The bill also orders the Oregon Department of Agriculture to revoke the registration of any pesticide that contains chlorpyrifos. Through these requirements, the pesticide’s future purchase and use will not be legal statewide. From the effective date, any purchase, sale, or use of the pesticide will be punishable by a fine.The bill needs your support. To voice your support for the lower Deschutes and its already ailing ecosystem, fish and wildlife, contact your state senator. You can find your state senator here. Let your state senator know that you support HB 4109 and any ban on chlorpyrifos usage, and that the lower Deschutes River needs any and every additional protection it can get. 


DRA Supporter: Ryan Emory. How recent trips to the Deschutes led an Army veteran and fly fisherman to the Deschutes River Alliance


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