Lawsuit Update: DRA Secures Important Victory For Clean Water Advocates

For months, the DRA has been working to defend citizens’ authority to enforce water quality requirements at hydroelectric projects. This past Monday, August 14, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit appeared to put this critical question to rest by siding with the DRA and refusing to hear a PGE appeal on the issue. This decision will allow DRA’s critical Clean Water Act lawsuit to proceed, and is an important victory for clean water advocates across the country.A full recap of the lawsuit to this point can be found here. In short, PGE has sought to persuade the federal district and appellate courts to dismiss the DRA’s lawsuit, arguing that citizen groups like the DRA have no authority under the Clean Water Act to enforce water quality requirements at hydroelectric projects. This spring, Judge Michael Simon, of the District of Oregon federal court, roundly dismissed these arguments, affirming that the Clean Water Act “citizen suit” provision clearly authorizes lawsuits like the DRA’s. PGE then petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to hear an appeal of that ruling.On August 14, after reviewing the parties’ briefing, a Ninth Circuit panel of judges denied PGE’s request for permission to appeal. This decision will leave Judge Simon’s important ruling undisturbed and allow DRA’s lawsuit to move forward.The Ninth Circuit’s decision has great significance for water quality in the lower Deschutes River, and for other rivers across the country that are severely impacted by hydroelectric projects. DRA has been working diligently for many months to protect citizens’ essential enforcement authority, and will continue to do so if necessary. And now, we are eager to present the merits of our case to Judge Simon.DRA’s Clean Water Act lawsuit is a critical part of our efforts to restore clean, cold water and a healthy aquatic ecosystem to the lower Deschutes River. Keep an eye on the DRA blog for more updates as they develop in this important case.

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