DRA Audit Results -- by Greg McMillan and Rick Trout

Photo by David MoskowitzHere at the DRA, our audit firm, McDonald-Jacobs, performed a review of our finances following our first full year of operation.   We did this for several reasons. First, it is important to our board, our donors, and our constituents that we operate Deschutes River Alliance according to the highest financial standards as well as observing all laws and regulations governing nonprofit organizations. Second, as a new organization our board wanted to ensure that we have done everything necessary to create a fiscally sound and responsible organization that will have the financial strength to continue performance of our mission. Third, we want our donors to know how their money is being used. We are taking the unusual step of posting the financial and organizational review on our website. You can find it there under our “reports” tab. We believe we owe not just a debt of thanks and gratitude to our donors, but we also owe it to you to responsibly use your donations. We don’t want to just ask you to trust us with your donations, we want to prove we are using those donations responsibly. And we hope you’ll continue to support us.Photo by David Moskowitz


DRA Releases 2014 Lower Deschutes River Water Quality Report


We Have a New Staff Member! By Greg McMillan