The Deschutes River Needs Your Help!
Yes we need your help!
The Deschutes River Alliance is nearing the date when we have to sign a contract to begin the thermal and algae imaging on the lower Deschutes River. This is the most expensive part of our science based investigation into the causes of the algae proliferation and apparent declines in aquatic insects that are threatening our river. The imaging studies will cost $85,000.So far, since our inception, and thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Deschutes River Alliance has raised $85,000. That just covers the aerial imaging. We need to also fund the complete science program as well as the cost of support for our work. Please help us get this important work done. If you fish the Deschutes, please donate. If you love the Deschutes, please donate. If the Deschutes is your home river, please donate. If you haven’t donated to the Deschutes River Alliance yet, now is the time. If you’ve donated in the past, please consider your ability to donate again.
Saving a river takes a community effort. We all have to pitch in. We will have many volunteers at work this summer and hundreds of hours will be spent collecting data, algae and water samples. Once the field work is complete, the samples must be analyzed and reports written. All of this work is being undertaken by volunteers, but the water chemistry instruments, lab fees, and costs associated with report production all take money.
Please do your part and please contribute today! The Deschutes River is counting on you. To those who have already donated, please know you have our undying gratitude.Thank you for your support,Greg McMillan, Board President and Director of Science and Conservationand the Deschutes River Alliance Board and Staff