Reflections and Gratitude

During the past year we have all faced some extreme challenges. For us at the Deschutes River Alliance, we find even more gratitude for the bounty in our lives.
This is a different holiday season where we might not be able to gather as we have in the past. We continue to have a strong community that supports our efforts and loves the lower Deschutes River like we do. We feel fortunate to have had our auction and gathering before the virus hit – having that boost of community time has fueled us through the rougher times. Folks have stepped up in many ways to help us continue our mission and for that we will always be grateful. 

Photo by Rick Hafele

We have not allowed a changing world to stop our very important work. Our legal team filed our appeal in the Federal Ninth Circuit Court – we are extremely proud of the work they have done and have a tremendous amount of confidence in our appeal. Keep an eye on our social media for updates in 2021.
While the abysmal fish returns are not cause for celebration or gratitude, the work of our science team is. Through this work we continue to be watchdogs of the river. The water quality and benthic sampling work allows us to know the health of the river and even more importantly how to improve it.
Last and certainly not least, we continue to be grateful for the lower Deschutes River. It is incredibly fortunate to have a place that brings such joy in our lives.
We hope and wish for each of you a warm and happy Thanksgiving with loved ones that, despite these challenging times, will be as fulfilling as this holiday can be.
Please enjoy this holiday season as we begin to look forward to 2021. 

Support the work of the DRA by making at contribution on our website.


2020 Reflections from the DRA Executive Director


DRA Fall 2020 Benthic Insect Sampling