Recap and Photos From a Successful Lower Deschutes Cleanup!

Fence crewLast Saturday, December 1, the DRA was thrilled to help organize and participate in a unique river cleanup day on the lower Deschutes. The fires that tore through the Deschutes Basin this summer cleared massive amounts of vegetation from the lower river’s banks, exposing trash and other debris which had previously been hidden or inaccessible. On Saturday, we partnered with several jetboat guides and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to gather and haul out this newly exposed debris.The day was an incredible success. The weather cooperated, and volunteers were transported via jetboat to various locations on the river's lower twelve miles. As you'll see in the photos below, volunteers gathered a remarkable amount of wire, old barrels, fencing, garbage, and an assortment of other random finds. We had a great BBQ lunch provided by ODFW, saw old friends, and made new connections with nearly 30 Deschutes-lovers.This event would not have been possible without the time and generosity of jetboat guides Brad Staples, Sam Sickles, and Curtis Ciszek, or the support of Jeremy Thompson and the rest of the ODFW staff. And an enormous thanks to all the volunteers who got out of bed early to provide the manpower. The response we received for the event was incredible, and the work performed Saturday will have a real impact on the lower river for years to come.Check out the photos below, and be sure to sign up for our email list to hear about more volunteer opportunities!Starting the DayFence crewHeading downstreamSilveyTrailerLunchtimeTruck #2Group photo

Deschutes River Alliance: Cooler, cleaner H2O for the lower Deschutes River. Click here to Donate.Click here to sign up for the Deschutes River Alliance email newsletter.---


Announcing the Deschutes River Alliance 2018 Annual Donor Update!


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