Announcing the DRA’s 2017 Lower Deschutes River Water Quality Monitoring Report

We are pleased to announce the release of the DRA’s 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Report. This report presents a thorough analysis of data collected by the DRA on a continuous basis in 2017, at a location one mile below the Pelton Reregulating Dam. This monitoring is a key element of our science efforts and has been invaluable in helping the DRA and other stakeholders understand the changes occurring in the lower Deschutes River.Key findings from this year’s report include:

  • pH measurements exceeded the basin standard of 8.5 standard units each day from May 10ththrough August 23rd of 2017, with measurements near 9.0 from mid-June through the end of July
  • In early July, dissolved oxygen concentrations began to fall below the 9.0 mg/L standard deemed necessary by ODEQ to adequately protect resident trout spawning and incubation. Dissolved oxygen concentrations below this minimum standard were measured each day from July 4 until August 27.
  • Higher water temperatures in the late winter through early summer appear to be having several significant impacts on the ecology of the lower Deschutes River. These include impacts to aquatic insect population size and hatch timing, accelerated algal growth, and increases in pollution-tolerant hosts for the Black Spot Disease and the shasta parasite.

This important monitoring work is continuing in 2018. This summer, DRA will be expanding our monitoring efforts, as we perform simultaneous continuous monitoring using two locations. This work will provide an even more detailed picture of the impacts of selective water withdrawal operations on lower Deschutes River water quality.A special thanks to all who have made this critical work possible, including the following foundations and organizations:

  • Fly Fishers Foundation / Flyfishers Club of Oregon
  • Charlotte Martin Foundation
  • Clabough Foundation
  • Clark-Skamania Flyfishers
  • Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
  • American Fly Fishing Trade Association
  • Tualatin Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited
  • Washington County Fly Fishers

Read the full report here. ---Deschutes River Alliance: Cooler, cleaner H2O for the lower Deschutes River. Click here to Donate.Click here to sign up for the Deschutes River Alliance email newsletter.---


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