Happy Holidays From The Staff and Board of Directors Of the Deschutes River Alliance!
We would like to wish everyone the happiest of holidays and all the best in the New Year!Here at the DRA, Christmas came early this year. Thanks to a special $20,000 donation from one of our supporters, we have been able to purchase water quality data equipment to create a semi-permanent water quality-monitoring site on the lower Deschutes River.The water quality equipment we are acquiring with this special gift will give us the ability to monitor temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and chlorophyll-a on an ongoing 24-7 basis. We have already been doing aquatic insect sampling at the site where the equipment will be deployed, and will continue to do so throughout the 2016 year and beyond. The site also has a high density of spawning gravel, and we’ll be able to document spawning periods and activity.We are incredibly grateful for this gift and wish to thank the private donor who made this possible.
---Deschutes River Alliance: Cooler, cleaner H2O for the lower Deschutes River. Click here to Donate Now!Click here to sign up for the Deschutes River Alliance newsletter!---