DRA’s Goals for Changes in Pelton-Round Butte Dam Operations - by Greg McMillan


Here at the Deschutes River Alliance, we have recently completed setting what we see as reasonable goals for changes in operations at the dams that comprise the Pelton-Round Butte Complex. The goals, based on studies, data, and the opinions of our advisors, are reachable and reasonable.As a matter of fact, negotiated operating permits and law already require much of what we are asking. Achieving these goals would be to the benefit of all stakeholders on the lower Deschutes River.We see no reason to not immediately embark on determining how to reach these goals. Our efforts to date, and going forward, are directed at making this happen.We hope we can count on your support in achieving these goals.Photo by David Moskowitz


We Have a New Staff Member! By Greg McMillan


2014 Lower Deschutes River Aquatic Insect Hatch Report - by Greg McMillan